Mini Tummy Tuck: Before & After Photos
All surgeries performed by Dr. Tran in Arlington, Texas
Patient 1
Procedure: mini tummy tuck The patient desired tightening of the lower abdomen. The abdominal muscles were separated and the skin was loose when bending or sitting. She did very well with a short scar mini tummy tuck.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Anthony Tran and set up a consultation.
Patient 2
Procedure: mini tummy tuck Mini Abdominoplasty
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Anthony Tran and set up a consultation.
Patient 3
Procedure: mini tummy tuck Her major complaint was the muscle “bulge”, she is not holding in on the post-op photo. The scar is early.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Anthony Tran and set up a consultation.