Arlington Plastic Surgery, Anthony Tran, Arlington, Texas

Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery,
Cosmetic & Reconstructive Plastic Surgery

3300 Matlock Rd.

Arlington, TX 76015

(817) 467-5081

(682) 217-1080

Spanish & Vietnamese speakers are available

Fax - (817) 557-4646

Changes Courtesy of JuVaShapeTM

Published on December 11, 2014

Life changes all of us. For good or bad, our bodies change throughout our lives. As children, it’s visible much more quickly, but the changes never stop.

For some folks, the changes of our childhood are wonderful, and these people are blessed to keep their youthful appearance for years. For others, childhood changes affect our self-image and public reception for years into our adulthood. If we could, we would change our looks.

How do people changes their looks? The tried and true way is exercise and dieting. Lose that weight! Get in shape!

That approach works for many people, but even if it does, this method of weight loss can lead to sagging skin, a sure sign of aging?!? What can we do? Surgery? That’s often uncomfortable, even painful for some, and it can be expensive since most insurance doesn’t always pay for cosmetic surgery.

Now, thanks to JuVaShapeTM, there’s a painless, nonsurgical alternative. JuVaShapeTM utilizes directed radio frequency therapy to help your body rid itself of fat. JuVaShapeTM therapy allows your body to get rid of unwanted cellulite and fat in targeted areas. While this is happening, your skin tightens in the treated area, as well. In other words, many people claim it’s an instant “Fountain of Youth”! And, best of all, noninvasive JuVaShapeTM is much less expensive than surgery, and much safer, too.

Speaking from a personal perspective, JuVaShapeTM is fantastic. After treatments, I have experienced tighter skin and loss of body fat in the treated area. Some patients have reported that the effects of their JuVaShapeTM treatment last for months.

Last week, Arlington Plastic Surgery hosted a wonderful JuVaShapeTM event! Kyra Locnikar from JuVaShapeTM presented a brief seminar on the advantages of this wonderful technology. What a wonderful evening we had making friends, sharing great cuisine and learning about this amazing alternative to traditional cosmetic treatment. Make sure you’re present at the next JuVaShapeTM gathering. Who knows, you just might be the next Grand Prize winner at the drawing held for all who are present. To learn about the next great event, like and follow Arlington Plastic Surgery in Facebook.

Life happens to all of us and changes all of us. Dr. Anthony Tran and the associates of Arlington Plastic Surgery, along with JuVaShapeTM, can help YOU decide what direction those changes will take.